Important Informations

Dear Captains, dear SCIJ friends, as you know yesterday was the deadline for each team to submit the"package" for Pontedilegno-Tonale 2013: Application form, passport, presscards, photos. And as you can imagine few teams have accomplished this task
that's, indeed, extremely important for the organization of the meeting. Most of the Application Forms already received by the OrganizingCommittee, moreover, are lacking the required informations.
We would like to remind you that:
- We need only ONE application form for each National Board, with all the informations on the team members, International Committe and Honorary members that partecipate to the Meeting.
- Please specify exactly date/time of your flight arrival/departure. Lot of people says: "no se", "don't know yet", "to be decided". And there are other problems: somebody have booked flights that gets to Linate airport, when wealready told you that a shuttle service will be guaranteed only from Malpensa and Bergamo Orio al Serio airports. Furthermore, there is people arriving at 22,30 in saturday evening, that is very, very late. It takes two hours and a half to get to Pontedilegno by bus from Milan: consider this before booking your flights, if you haven't already done it.
- If you don't specify ski lenght and/or shoe size, we cannot provide you with a suitable ski set.
- We need a copy of your press card, passport and a picture.
- IC and OC would like to have from each Captain a short text describing professional history and competences of each team member
- We apologize about some misunderstanding that can arise from the Application form, but it should be clear that:
- There's no possibility to have a smoking room in the hotels
- There's no way to have a room occupied by a single person, as many of you have asked, even proposing to pay an extra-charge. Simply, we don't have enough rooms available.
Post Tour - Actually we have 10 people for the Post - Tour: Storm, Dubreuil, Pigariova, Swain, Martin, Schroeder, Weinreb Wyatt, Stravitz, Conway, Caracciolo. Please tell us as soon as possible if there are more people wishing to partecipate to the post tour.
Partecipation Fee - To deliver the payment of the partecipation fees to our bank, in some cases, you need the Iban and a BIC/Swift code. Payment should be addressed to:
Giornalisti Italiani Sciatori Asd
Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena
IBAN - IT 24 B 01030 03200 000063127571
Thank you for your kind cooperation.
Mario Sensini
President of the Organizing Committee
Pontedilegno- Tonale SCIJ 2013